It's raining balloons in the family as we celebrate the first baby on her birthday.
On this day thirty-nine (39) years ago, the cry of a baby was heard in the Uchennaya Chuku family for the first time.
The birth of "Nnem oma" has greeted the union of Mazi Uchennaya and Ngozi much to the satisfaction of Mazi Uchennaya who since his school days had always wanted to have a firt born daughter.
His reason being that a girl will make a good organiser for herself and her siblings.
Nwa Mara Obi Nnaya
Just as her father desired and prayed Iyam Nneoma became a good and positive influence on her siblings, inspiring them with her brilliance in academics, and all round excellence; becoming a pacesetter that is admired fondly.
Today we celebrate a good leader, sacrificial, charismatic and responsible.
The big sister ready to put the family's interest above her own needs.
You're loved and appreciated.
Our Special Prayer
We thank God for his faithfulness in your life through these years and we pray that the blessings of the rest of it will even be greater than those already witnessed.
Cheers to a new age!
Happy birthday 🎂